

looking for a worthy house to buy

I am interested in investing such as stocks, funds, and etc and often read business magazines. However, after several years' investment, I really found that buying a house is the best investment. We have invested mutual funds since we were in university but it turned out we still lost a lot of money. Even though many people said mutual funds are long-term profits, we have waited for 10 years. So I don't believe in mutual funds anymore.
Since my parents approved to lend me money to buy a house in USA, so I recently spent time surveying good houses to buy. I found a phenomenon that a Chinese agent can not offer me good properties as an American agent. Therefore, I decided to ask American agents to look for a worthy house for me. We have discussed with some demands:
  1. Good location - since we probably sell the house after I graduate. So we care about school districts.
  2. Nearby Irvine - In case we can not be landlords, we have to move in the house. I don't want a long distance commute.
  3. Price reduced - The main motive of buying a house in USA is that US house prices go down and down so we would like to pick a worthy house which reduced a lot in previous prices.

A house that I would like to buy must conform to these rules. After investigating several areas, we agree that Costa mesa could be a good choice.......


Came back USA

I have left three weeks (from May 18th to June 6th) and this is my first time to come back Taiwan since I came to USA. After three weeks visit, I further believe in human nature. People pursue better living environment. Why do I say that? Because my mind has changed, I would like to stay in the US after my graduation. Honestly, I don't like so many cars, people, bikes on the streets and these crowd irritate me. No wonder people always say that those who go abroad, most will stay in the state. In the beginning, I don't trust that. But now I have to admit it; in particular, I have a child (my gorgeous Eric). Parents will think about education of children so I believe US economy will recover sooner or later and house prices will go up again. I was prompted to buy a house in CA...

Congratulations my first English blog


downtown berkeley trip


這也是我來berkeley這麼多次以來,第一次前一天到,從前都會等到最後一班飛機來。想說多多照顧一下eirc,不要讓亞蘭這麼累。說實話,這種充足的時間做事讓人真是舒服。再者,這次住的 hotel Durant是很高檔的(180/晚,春假123/晚)。傍晚還有時間好好看看這個城市。雖然downtown的居住不好,但今天的心情就好像是一個觀光客,帶著一種探索的心情。這時就想到應該帶亞蘭去走走了,因為今天的探索就好像是在歐州的感覺。可能是這邊的建築吧,亞蘭喜歡到處玩,但從有Eric後,連睡覺的時間都沒有了。再次感恩我的岳母,我馬上打電話去台灣,她馬上飛過來。有了她,eric有人照顧,有飯吃,我們家真的快變天堂了…而我也要帶著快樂的心情去泡個澡,睡個好覺,明天早上4點起床…



剛做完同步輻射的實驗,在orkland 機埸等飛機,這時就是寫部拉格的好時機了。做同步的實驗真的是一種耐力戰。每天一個時段就是12小時。像今天早上3:50早床,做到5:30。最後半小時,我那個傻B美國人 Allie,就一直叫我結束。但我還是堅持到最後。說到她,她是一個很對皿型的美國人,沒有什麼耐心,吃得胖嘟嘟,什麼事就想到funnnnn。但現在的我,我不會表現出任何不悅,我相信人總會一直被自已的缺點所處罰。還有另一點就是,不要在別人面前表現出任何會讓別人看不起的行為,尤其你不知道何時你需要別人的幫忙。而我記得一句話,別人會幫你是因為他信任你。像這個傻B,我就不可能會和她合作做任何的實驗,除非老闆的指定。和知識工作者共事更要小心萬分。他們儘力不儘力有時很難區分的,不像勞力者,出的力量通常可以數字化。



人真是一種情感支配的動物。雖然說我對物質慾望已經很低,但面對加州這種好天氣,好環境,心中買房子的的慾望總是很容易被挑起。昨天星期5晚上又看了房子,心中又開始爭扎,腦中一直在比較買房子的優缺點,竟然能讓我這個12 點off的人,到了3點還是醒著。心的力量真的很大。
照我們所想最好的情況就是在brea在那邊找到一個不錯的house,之後再出租。最差的情況是,自已住。這樣聽起來好像沒什麼大不了的。說實話,現在我最需要的不是錢,而是時間,好好將自已的實力養好。我問自已難道要到畢業後才又後悔應該花更多時間充實自已的嗎? 之前修課的經驗已經讓自已信心全失。如果,現在在花時間找房,出租。為了每個月多賺1000元美元。我寧可不要這些錢。現在對我最重要的目標是---我能對我自已說我準備好了,去那邊我都能活得很好。看來,買房並不是能讓我達到這的目標。
