

looking for a worthy house to buy

I am interested in investing such as stocks, funds, and etc and often read business magazines. However, after several years' investment, I really found that buying a house is the best investment. We have invested mutual funds since we were in university but it turned out we still lost a lot of money. Even though many people said mutual funds are long-term profits, we have waited for 10 years. So I don't believe in mutual funds anymore.
Since my parents approved to lend me money to buy a house in USA, so I recently spent time surveying good houses to buy. I found a phenomenon that a Chinese agent can not offer me good properties as an American agent. Therefore, I decided to ask American agents to look for a worthy house for me. We have discussed with some demands:
  1. Good location - since we probably sell the house after I graduate. So we care about school districts.
  2. Nearby Irvine - In case we can not be landlords, we have to move in the house. I don't want a long distance commute.
  3. Price reduced - The main motive of buying a house in USA is that US house prices go down and down so we would like to pick a worthy house which reduced a lot in previous prices.

A house that I would like to buy must conform to these rules. After investigating several areas, we agree that Costa mesa could be a good choice.......


Came back USA

I have left three weeks (from May 18th to June 6th) and this is my first time to come back Taiwan since I came to USA. After three weeks visit, I further believe in human nature. People pursue better living environment. Why do I say that? Because my mind has changed, I would like to stay in the US after my graduation. Honestly, I don't like so many cars, people, bikes on the streets and these crowd irritate me. No wonder people always say that those who go abroad, most will stay in the state. In the beginning, I don't trust that. But now I have to admit it; in particular, I have a child (my gorgeous Eric). Parents will think about education of children so I believe US economy will recover sooner or later and house prices will go up again. I was prompted to buy a house in CA...

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